Renewal Method Visual Identity of Logo Company PT. Angsa Putih Kurnia Kharisma


  • Rudi Tarumanegara University
  • Julias Andi Nurgoho Tarumanegara University
  • Andreas Tarumanegara University



Corporate Identity, Image, Logo, Awareness


Corporate identity is a very important thing for a company to have which in general can be described in the form of logos, taglines, company colors and many other aspects that make up the company's identity. Corporate identity is very crucial for a company because it plays a role in creating an image of the company for the community and also what makes it differentiate among the players. PT. Angsa Putih Kurnia Kharisma is a company engaged in the largest compressor industry in Indonesia which has been established since 1990 until now where it is still not well known by many people so that through redesigning the company logo, it is hoped that it can provide attractiveness and be a differentiator from other competitors. The design of a visual identity in the form of a logo redesign for PT.Angsa Putih Kurnia Kharisma will be applied to all media used such as brochures, x-banners, stationary sets, posters, and others which are expected to increase public awareness of PT. Angsa Putih Kurnia Kharisma.


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How to Cite

Rudi, Julias Andi Nurgoho, & Andreas. (2023). Renewal Method Visual Identity of Logo Company PT. Angsa Putih Kurnia Kharisma . IMAGIONARY, 2(1), 14–18.


