Visual Identity as a Visual Representation Media in Branding Bakso Atok


  • Grandy Indrajaya Institut Informatika & Bisnis Darmajaya
  • Muhammad Justin Redintan Visual Communication Design, Darmajaya Institute of Informatics and Business, Lampung



Visual Identity, Logo, Brand, Meatballs


Visual identity design is very important because it is one of the efforts to represent and represent a particular brand. In addition to representing its brand, visual identity can also increase consumer awareness in choosing the brand. This study aims to raise the problem of street vendors, namely "bakso atok" who do not yet have a visual identity, namely a logo. Many consumers are hesitant about the food sold because they are not sure about the quality and taste, plus they do not yet have a visual identity for their merchandise, namely a logo. Bakso atok needs ideas and innovations to increase awareness and trust for consumers. To solve this problem, visual identity design is very important and primary because the first thing consumers see is the logo of the brand. The purpose of this design is to increase consumer trust in bakso atok and be easily recognized by the public in a wider scope, therefore the logo design is made through various processes from observation, sketches, determining the layout and choosing colors to digitalization according to the concept needed and desired. And with the presence of the Bakso Atok logo, it can improve the quality of the branding image and the quantity of sales results so that many people believe and are aware of Bakso Atok and in developing their business, it can be used as an example by other traders or MSMEs who are also in the stage of developing their business.


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How to Cite

Indrajaya, G., & Justin Redintan , M. (2024). Visual Identity as a Visual Representation Media in Branding Bakso Atok. IMAGIONARY, 3(1), 1–12.


