Islam dan Kepemimpinan Perempuan Klasik dan Kontemporer
classical, contemporary, Islamic women's leadershipAbstract
Before the arrival of Islam, women experienced oppression and injustice in various civilizations such as Greek, Roman, and Persian. They were treated as property and had no basic rights. This research aims to examine how Islam elevated the status of women by granting them rights equal to those of men, and to highlight the important role of women in both classical and contemporary Islamic history. The findings show that Islam has granted equal rights and honored women. Figures such as Queen Balqis, Benazir Bhutto, and Megawati Soekarnoputri demonstrated the contributions of women in political and social leadership. Although there is debate among scholars regarding female leadership, the majority of contemporary scholars support it if certain conditions are met, with interpretations that promote gender equality.References
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