Perkawinan dengan Ahli Kitab Perspektif Ulama Indonesia: Sebuah Kajian Literatur


  • Lexi Zulkarnaen Hikmah Universitas Paramadina



People of the Book, Marriage between different religions, Muslims, polytheists


In the context of faith, People of the Book is a special term in the Koran and the study of Islamic law which differentiates it from other terms such as Muslim, believer, polytheist and unbeliever. Because it is a special term, interactions between Muslims, such as marriage with People of the Book, have different sharia legal implications from polytheists and infidels. However, the views of the scholars differ regarding who and the legal implications that accompany the People of the Book. Using qualitative methods and literature review, this research discusses the views of ulama or religious organizations regarding the People of the Book in discussions in academic journals for the 2019-2024 period. The search results regarding the views of ulama or religious organizations regarding the People of the Book are not single. There are groups that define it narrowly so that it has legal implications that marriage with People of the Book (Jews and Christians) becomes haram. Even if the man is Muslim. There are also those who allow it. Then there are groups that expand the definition of People of the Book not only limited to Christians/Christians but other religions such as Magi, Zoroastrians, Confucians and others so that it has implications for the permissibility of marriage with People of the Book.


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How to Cite

Hikmah, L. Z. (2024). Perkawinan dengan Ahli Kitab Perspektif Ulama Indonesia: Sebuah Kajian Literatur. Jurnal Peradaban, 4(1), 20–28.